Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Support for AAG!

AAG, otherwise known as Always Aroused Girl, otherwise known as awesome, has been unfairly treated, spoken to in an extremely unbusinesslike manner, and deprived of earned pay from my own unsavory and blessedly FORMER employer. This post is support for both her and her cause as she fights for her own money against a man who apparently thinks he can do anything, up to and including cursing at employees.

The following is my personal opinion and experience there.

The "" (name changed to protect the not-so-innocent) site may look nice, but if you look into how they're treating their employees, or rather, ex-employees that are leaving in droves, it starts to look less pleasant. The office is full of negative energy between the higher-ups - and I'm refraining from elaborating only at great personal effort - and a money-comes-first policy that rules everything, including employee pay. Pay rates are reduced, commissions aren't paid, and checks go missing whenever they feel like it, usually without even attempting an excuse. I stayed because I had to make a living, and towards the end, I left even at the risk of losing my apartment because I couldn't take the abuse any more.

I would not buy from them, nor would I recommend anyone buying from them, ever. Like a conflict diamond, it's a matter of how much humanity you're willing to sacrifice to get the goods you want. Thankfully, unlike a conflict diamond, there are MANY more sources to get your items from.

While the site is still getting set up, I'm making an offer to support the movement for a better source of sex toys. If you see a toy on "NodNightmares" (email if you need the 'real' name) I'm willing to offer it 20% less than they are, with a free lubricant sample besides. Email me to ensure your toy is available (about 80% are) and I'll let you know how to proceed.



Tess said...

Wow. I had no idea it was that pervasive with them. I just knew I got a really bad feeling when things started to go awry and it made me question the integrity and business sense of the person behind that company.

Sorry you had to deal with this.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that anything pervasive was going on.. can you fill me in on more details? Also, I'd love to be a part of your site.. after reading this post, it's seeming like a more positive place to be. :-)

The Butterfly Temptress said...

I'm sorry that you too were on the receiving end of the shaft.

Anonymous said...

I'm so disappointed in Eden Fantasys. They should know better!