Sunday, September 21, 2008

Silicone rocks my socks..

Looking for a good silicone company? Here are the ones that I, personally, think are tres bitchin and worth a looksee.

For Dildos and "removable bullet" style vibrators:

Vixen Creations
Tantus Silicone
Happy Valley
Whipspider RubberWorks
Rocks Off
Downunder Toys

For "regular" vibrators:

Fun Factory

For caps for the hitachi:

Downunder Toys
Vixen Creations


Like fucking a broken copy machine...grainy, washed up, and never as good as the original.

Like a math test, but now with more copyright infringement!

A Cali Toy is not a Funfactory Layaspot

A Cali Toy is not a Vibrafun Crop

A Cali Toy is not a Spartacus Crop

A Cali Toy is not a Ruff Doggie Styles Crop

A Cali Toy is not a Jollies Dildo

A Cali Toy is not a Nobessence Anal Toy

A Libera--r Toy is not a Set of Leatherbeaten Cuffs

A Libera--r Toy is not a Njoy Dildo

An Open Letter...

Dear Sex Toy Industry;

I know you think clear plastic is edgy and cool (I'm lookin' at you here, doc) but please consider that some of us out there don't fancy reaching into a box and being treated to the sensation of grabbing blindly into a dark room full of angry cats, grinding dirty reused styro peanuts into the wounds as we try to extract our damaged limbs, and in the process scattering biohazarded packing material across the office.

Trying to make clear, flexible plastic into a box shape is like trying to convince aforementioned angry cats that a bath is a splendid passtime. It fails on an epic level, the top won't stay closed, and the razor-sharp edges seek out human flesh like starving leeches. How about we just go back to cardboard and ensure repeat customers by cutting back on exsanguinated buyers?


A different sort of sex blogger..

I fell into the industry.

It wasn't intended, however well prepared the years of swiping mom's A&E catalogs and dad's outdated hustlers made me. It was born more out of desperation for employment and a well-timed craigslist ad, candidly.

Though I question the 'well placed' part of that last sentence. It got me into the business, but man did it suck towards the end. I'm sure, despite my best attempts to move on, stories of my last job will sneak into these conversations like well-placed jabs at distant and swear-I'm-over-them exes.

Anyhoo. I'm in an interesting position scribbling out data on sex toys now, and as such, am afforded a unique angle on the adult toy and novelty industry, which I'm looking forward to sharing in this blog. In the interests of full disclosure, I'm also hoping to work in lots of plugs for my soon-to-be-amazing sex toy website, but rest assured this blog will still be full of interesting, socially relevant, and snicker-inducing industry drama.
