Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tagged like a blouse on clearance...

I get to throw my hat in the ring for the latest viral survey making the rounds, courtesy of the gorgeous Butterfly Temptress. :)

The Rules-
* Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog..
* Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1.) I am a practicing pagan, mostly given to the solitary end of things. Have a real altar, ceremonial dress for Sabbats, the whole nine. I'm really relaxed about it, though, no crazy drama. Not a fan of drama, especially of the religious variety.

2.) I have two cats, Pekoe and Darjeeling, both named after tea. Darjie is a polydactyl/hemingway cat with an extra half a paw on both front feet. He's clumsy, but I love the hell out of him.

3.) I actually only got into the industry about a year and a half ago, but had previously been swiping Adam & Eve catalogs out of my parent's mail for as long as I could remember. I was a porn klepto - stole dad's hustlers and mom's "Joy of Sex" before I hit 13. Guess I was destined to be here :)

4.) My hair is past my waist.

5.) I am a recovering severe trichotillomaniac. It sucked, and I'm glad it's stopped for the time being.

6.) I'm a fairly accomplished singer, having been in show choirs, concert choirs, a capella groups, and been in both madrigal events and in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - twice.

7.) I was born on 9/16 at 6:19.

As far as the tagging-back thing, I'm going to have to edit this later, because I have to check my meager friends list to see who hasn't gotten it yet.

Thanks BFT :)


1 comment:

The Butterfly Temptress said...

I loved finding out more about you. Thanks for going along with it. I know memes are silly but they're fun sometimes, especially if there are people you want to get to you!

Oh and thanks for calling me made my night :)